We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Nurse appointments
- Asthma & COPD
- Baby Vaccinations
- Blood Pressure Review
- Contraception checks and reviews
- Doppler studies
- Dressings
- Post natal checks
- Pre-school boosters
- Travel advice, and vaccinations– please book 6 week before travel.
There are various special clinics run by Nurses and Health Care Assistants as follows:
Blood Pressure Check by Health Care assistant, Baby clinic (Wednesday), Flu / Swine Flu, Diabetes, hypertension, asthma etc, Diet (Lifestyle clinic), Smoking Cessation.
Health Visitors operate on site and look after children under 5 years
Midwives operate on site, and look after pregnant women. (Fridays)
Family Planning
Contraceptive advice may be obtained from any of the doctors and nurses. Our practice nurses are trained in family planning and cervical smears. They provide advice on contraception and perform routine pill checks. Doctors, Sullivan, Idowu and Davies are trained in coil and cap fitting and will provide these services during their normal surgeries. A double ( 20 minute appointment) will be required so please inform a receptionist about the purpose of your visit.
The practice does not perform routine pregnancy tests but are happy to help you with testing using your own pregnancy kit. Kits are available from every chemist shop or in local family planning clinics (address and contact telephone numbers are available in reception).
Antenatal services
Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by pregnancy test (please obtain it from the chemist as we do not provide them) make an appointment with any doctor for an initial assessment as soon as possible. We will refer you to local hospital of your choice.
There is a team of community midwives attached to the practice who run antenatal clinic on Fridays 9.00 to 15.00 hrs in the preventative care unit and appointments can be made through reception. They also have a drop-in clinic at Waltham cross clinic in Stanhope Road and Hoddesdon Health Centre, High Street Hoddesdon. Details of times etc… are available at reception .
The midwife would like to meet you as soon as your pregnancy has been confirmed to discuss your wellbeing and that of your unborn baby. She aims to deliver a service that is sensitive accessible and responsible to all women and their families.
- Waltham Cross Clinic: 01992 818 500
- Hoddesdon Health Centre: 01992 471 818
Infant development and immunisation
All immunisations and baby checks are undertaken by the doctor in the preventative care unit on a Wednesday morning in conjunction with the practice nurses. Appointments can be made by contacting the main reception on 01992 624408.
A booster is generally recommended every 10 years BUT if an adult has received five doses in a lifetime you may not need another one. If you are unsure please see a practice nurse for advice.
Flu vaccination
This is offered from late September (subject to availability) each year and is recommended for patients 65 years or over, or with diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, cancer or with low immunity caused by disease or treatment. Flu vaccination clinics are run by the practice nurses.
Metabolic disease clinic (MDC)
We have special clinics to manage patients with diabetes, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease (angina + heart attack), stroke.
Minor surgery
Minor surgical procedures are undertaken at Stockwell Lodge Medical Centre in our designated operating theatre. Complex procedures may be referred to the local Cheshunt Community Hospital or other local providers. Please see your doctor to discuss whether your case would be suitable for minor surgery. In addition, Dr Dobrowolski offers a regular joint injection clinic. Waiting time for the procedure depends on medical indications and current demand for it.
The counselling service is only available through outside agencies and no doctors referral is necessary because this is not a NHS service. Please note a fee may be payable.