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Carer Support

Are you a carer?

Are you helping a family member, friend or neighbour who could not manage without you. Maybe this only started during the pandemic but they still need your support. The person you look after might have a physical or learning difficulty, be ill or frail, have mental health problems or misuse drugs or alcohol. They may be your child, partner or parent, or a friend or neighbour, and they might live with you or live elsewhere.

You are an unpaid carer. As a carer, you need to look after your own health and wellbeing too. Whatever your situation, make sure your GP knows you are a carer so that they can support you in your role as well as other health care professionals who may be supporting you. You can also speak to the Carer Champion within the surgery or health care setting.

Sharon Turone is our Carers Champion.

Caring for someone else is not easy, there are some ways you can help yourself when things become a bit too much.

  • Carers Assessment – If you care for someone, you can have an assessment to see what might help make your life easier. To book please call the surgery on 01992 624 408, email us on or book online using the NHS App.
  • Housing and carers – Do you know your tenancy rights as a carer? Are you aware of all your care at home options? Do you need tips on moving someone around the home?
  • Taking a break – Caring for someone can be a full-time job, but it’s essential that you take time out for yourself too. Read our guide to accessing breaks and respite.
  • Telling people – Caring responsibilities can make it difficult to maintain friendships or develop new ones. Telling your friends you’re a carer is important so they understand and can support you.

Finance and Law

Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.

Carers in Hertfordshire

Carers in Hertfordshire is a local charity providing free help and support to any carer living, working or caring for someone in the county.
Some of the services Carers In Hertfordshire can provide are:

Carers Passport
Carers can received a Passport which will provide them with discounts and concessions across the county on services and products with various retailers and businesses.

Carer Development and Learning
Caring with Confidence training courses for carers, covering all aspects of caring, including dealing with stress and emotions, balancing caring with a life of your own and maximising your income whilst caring. There are special courses for those caring for people with dementia.

Various workshops with a constant changing itinerary that has included Legal Planning, History talks, and Chair Yoga. Some of these workshops are run face to face or may be virtual. Not only are these courses practical and informative, they are a great place to meet others in the same situation as you and to share experiences.

All courses and workshops are free and a full itinerary available here:

Information and Advice Service

Provides carers and professionals with information and advice. Whether you need some help understanding benefits or accessing services, or longer term advice to support you in your caring role, Carer Support Advisors are just a phone call away. Our Carer Planning Service gives carers an opportunity to speak with an advisor on a 1-2-1 basis about their caring situation. They can help you understand what services are available nearby and how to access them, and help you to have a break from caring. Call today on 01992 58 69 69.

Make a Difference
Caring takes its toll. Make a Difference is a Carers in Hertfordshire initiative to provide funded breaks for carers. Grants are available for all sorts of things such as gym membership, massage, a weekend away or a new hobby – whatever will have the greatest benefits for your health.

As a carer, Make a Difference can give you a break and help you stay well. Contact Carers in Hertfordshire on 01992 58 69 69 for more information.

Hubs and Support groups

Carers in Hertfordshire supports lots of carers groups across the county and can put you in touch with your local group. Having the time and space to talk to other people who look after someone and understand what you are going through can help you feel less isolated, find out useful information, and have some time to yourself to relax and chat.

Having a voice

Carers in Hertfordshire runs events and forums where you can have your say on local services, what’s working and what needs improving, and give your views to decision makers. Coming together makes the voice of carers stronger and helps make real changes to services.

Young Carers

Young carers are young people who help look after someone in their family and take on responsibilities normally handled by an adult. Carers in Hertfordshire’s Young Carers Service supports carers aged 8-18 and their families to make sure their caring responsibilities don’t stop them from having the same opportunities, and social life, that other young people enjoy.

Useful Contact Numbers

  • Carers UK

    They are here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.Phone: 0808 8087777 Email: Website:

  • Carers in Hertfordshire

    Are you caring for a relative or friend who: has a physical or learning disability, dementia, mental health problems, misuses drugs or alcohol, is ill or frail?

    Phone: 01992 58 69 69



  • Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North

    Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North is a registered charity providing both practical and emotional support to carers and the people they care for.

    Phone: 0208 905 158
